Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve

I have given this a lot of thought and the biggest news story of 2010 will be:

"What the Fxxk was I thinking!" - Our President will be shown for what he is--- the typical politician. Name one thing he said during the campaign that he has accomplished.

Hope and change, my ass. Just the some old shit inside the beltway. The countries only hope is the 2010 elections and the newly elected officials will bring change, because if they don't -- out they go!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Pork in Defense Spending Bill!!!

$2.4 billion in pork in current defense spending bill and the President signs it!!!!!!

From August 2009.......

President Obama pledged in August to cut all pork barrel projects from defense spending, threatening to veto any swollen bills that came across his desk -- a pledge shattered by nearly 2,000 pet projects that have made their way into the defense budget.

"If a project doesn't support our troops, we will not fund it," he said to a meeting of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Phoenix. "If a system doesn't perform, we will terminate it. And if Congress sends me a defense bill loaded with that kind of pork, I will veto it. "

Fxxking liar.... Hope and Change my ass!!!!!!!!


If a guys name is so long it won't fit on the boarding pass......... check him out!!!!

If a guy buys a ticket with cash.................... check him out!!!!!

If a guy is on a trans Atlantic flight with no baggage...... check him out!!!!!!

If a guy does not have a passport....... check him out!!!!!! (this one is still in debate as to his passport/visa)

This incident could have been a disaster, its not the TSA fault this guy got on a plane, it was the Department of Homeland Security that screwed the pooch. If the Donald was president he would say "Janet....your fired!" DHS is supposed to be the coordinator of all intel from FBI, CIA, NSA and other government agencies. So lets coordinate!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Lets just kill airline industry.

First off, I wouldn't fly anywhere if you put a gun to my head. I used to love to fly but since the airline 'problems' I just can't stand the rude, incompent drones who work for the airlines.

Add full body scanning and no one will fly. The airlines will go out of business------ oh wait, that's a good thing!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Liberal Whores

US Senators for sale, bad news is they cost millions each. LA, NEB and NY, who's next. Ollie Snow wishes one of the whores would turn so she could pimp herself out.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Libs are outraged

They are outraged the 'party crashers' won't appear at a Congressional hearing, but they or OK cutting $400 billion out of Medicare!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Chris Matthews

I know he is on his liberal unicycle, backpedaling as fast as he can, but what comes out of your mouth is usually in your heart. Referring to West Point as a "enemy camp" just shows how the libs really feel about our military.

Describing the Commander in Chief's reception as, "it could have been more enthusiastic" was fair, but tells you what the guys that have to do the real work think of their boss.

I guess President Obama just told the bad guys to take an 18 month vacation.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Today's airlines - ground them all

When are these aholes (except Southwest) going to figure it out!!!!! You have made it so expensive and inconvenient to fly no one wants to put up with the bullshit. I hear there is now a holiday surcharge!!!

I really wish Southwest would start flying into Memphis.

I am in the airport a couple of weeks ago so Leslie can fly back to Denver. We are following her flight on the United website and know its going to be late. She is checking in and the clerk says "Chicago?", Leslie says "No, Denver." The FFBB rolls her eyes and gives us a look. I say "Whats the problem?" FFBB says "Checking in kinda late aren't you", I say "Is her plane even here yet?", FFBB says "No". WTF - these people are to stupid to know they are rude!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

9/11 trials in NY

What a bunch of crap. If I was their lawyer, I could get them at least a mistrial. How the heck are they going to find a 'jury of peers' in NYC that weren't impacted by 9/11? Now Obama is predicting conviction, doesn't that disqualify people who voted for him as potential jurors? Isn't that why anyone associated with the case keep their mouths shut!!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

$47 Billion in Medicare Fraud!!!

Oh wait, we are trying to reduce fraud to 9.5%. WTF, reduce it to zero. Lets see, pay $1 billion to new processors and if they don't reduce fraud by $5 or 6 billion, fire them. If they do reduce fraud, hire more processors.

If we now suspect fraud, go after the cheats and deport them. Why do I say deport them, the people committing fraud are not named Joe Smith.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sarah Palin

I can't wait for the book to hit the library. I might even go out and buy it. For those who say she was not qualified to be vice president, I have two words, Joe Biden!!!!


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

North Korea at it again.

Several days before Obama's visit to South Korea there is a little navel skirmish.

I bet a buck, they (NK) test fire another missal while Obama is in South Korea.

Not only are the North Koreans crazy, they certainly aren't afraid of us.

Don't forget!!!

Don't forget to say goodbye to the DC sniper. Tonight at 9PM EST he gets his just punishment. Its just a shame that stoning and hanging aren't around anymore.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Follow the money!!!!!!!

Apparently the Ft Hood terrorist has some strange connections in his background. Forget about fellow classmates ,who were soldiers, complaining about his presentation praising suicide bombers and the army doing squat!

The guy was a major in the army, he made over $60k, was single and paid $350 a month in rent. Where did the rest of his $ go?


Nov 12 Update: Apparently he made more than $90k a year and investigators are looking into possible financial transaction with Pakistan. - TYS

Sunday, November 8, 2009

“courageous vote”

Why would Obama call voting for health care bill courageous? Is it because he knows that congress had to vote against the will of the people? Is it 'courageous' to vote for a bill you haven't read? Is it because it was 'courageous' to vote for a bill that would socialize medicine?

I just think his use of the word courageous has a much deeper meaning than it appears on the surface.

No problem, not that many 'courageous' people in the Senate.

Apparently the GOP members voted their conscience and helped get the abortion amendment passed despite then giving some fence sitting dems what they need to vote for the final bill. That was a courageous vote.

AARP STILL SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

What was I thinking!!!

Add another 65,000 people to the list of "What the $%^# was I thinking". These people in upstate NY voted for a democrat who was opposed the current version of healthcare reform. One hour after he was sworn in he changed his mind.

What the Republican Party did in upstate NY is a crime.

11/12 Update - Hold your horses, the vote has not been certified and Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman is closing the gap with 5,000 absentee ballots yet to be counted.

Nuclear Power

I never thought I'd say this but we need to be more like ........... France. France gets over 75% of its power from nuclear power plants. The US generates less than 20%. How many barrels of imported oil could we eliminate if we had a major push for nuclear power?

Push nuclear, offshore drilling, drilling in ANWAR, wind and solar and we could tell the Arabs to go pound sand!!!

AARP still sucks!!!!!

Dems stop GOP again!!!

The Republicans in congress wanted to add a question to the census. That question was "Are you a citizen?" The bleeding heart libs voted that down. No one is outraged. You might ask, "Why should I be outraged?" Well, dumbass, the census is used to determine representation in the House of Representatives. Those in the country illegally should not be counted as they should have no representation. Oh wait, they already do!!!! Soon California will have half the reps in the house. If you don't speak Mexican now you better start learning it.

Census statistics are also used for apportioning federal funding for many social and economic programs. My guess is that Rahm already has the final numbers in his top left desk drawer.

By the way, AARP STILL SUCKS!!!!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fort Hood Shooter

Pick one from list, now remember, no profiling!

Joe Smith

Malik Nadal Hasan

Robert Jones


I just some douche bag from AARP talking about young people and health care reform. Hey AARP, you don't represent young people!!!! Latest numbers are billions in cuts from Medicare and Medicade over 10 years to help pay for it.

AARP You still suck!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

AARP to endorse Healthcare bill?

Who does Rahm have naked pictures of? They are going to cut Medicare by hundred of millions to help pay for this crap and AARP is OK with this? I already cancelled my AARP membership when they were on the fence, this just proves I was correct in doing so.

AARP .... YOU SUCK!!!!!!

The beginning of the end!

Democratic losses in NJ and Virginia is just the beginning. These states were both solidly in the Obama camp in the last election. Swings in both states were more than 15%. points. If the libs cannot get the same lame brained voters out in 2010, its over. I call the voters who put Obama over the top to be "first time, last time" voters. It was that or the "what the ^%$# was I thinking" voters finally wised up. The next election is going to be key.

If there is a health care bill passed, all signs point to it going into effect in 2013. What happens if the control of Congress changes before than can the bill be overridden?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hate Crimes and the Libs

The recently passed defense spending bill had an amendment that included legislation regarding hate crimes against gay and lesbians. The amendment was attached to the defense bill because it was the only way the libs could get it passed. Is this the change you voted for? Is the the open and honesty you voted for? Is this the transparency you voted for?

This is not a comment against gays and lesbians. This is a comment about the current administration.

My take on 'hate crimes' is what the f is the difference why someone got killed. I say find the perp and let justice decide what the penalty should be. There should be not 'hate crime' legislation.

PS - I am pro death penalty.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

No Death Panels?

"The Senate Finance Committee health bill released last week controls doctors by cutting their pay if they give older patients more care than the government deems appropriate. Section 3003(b) (p. 683) punishes doctors who land in the 90th percentile or above on what they provide for seniors on Medicare by withholding 5 percent of their compensation." taken from NY Post story.

Whats it sound like to you?

Friday, October 23, 2009

White House vs. FOX

President Obama will go on Letterman (more than once?) but no one from the White House has the balls to go on Fox. WTF is up with that?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Anita Dunn

White House Communications Director Anita Dunn is so stupid she doesn't see anything wrong with what she is saying. That's scary. Did they get the White House Communications policy from Chairman Mao's 'little red book'?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fox News vs. The White House

What a bunch of bozos. Are you sure you want to pick a fight with Fox News. Lets get it straight, Glenn Beck is NOT Fox news. The White House cannot separate the news from opinion. Watch Keith Olberman for about 5 seconds if you want to see someone crazier than Glenn. Rahm and Ax were on the news shows on Sunday giving Fox free advertising.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rush and NFL

Was what Rush Limbaugh said about McNabb in 2003 correct, yes. Was it dumb to say it out loud on ESPN, yes. Was what Rush said racist, I don't think so. I remember watching and I think it was Tom Jackson who had this look on his face that said 'what the f^&k did he just say'. I do remember at the time the press was making McNabb out to be the next Joe Montana. That was ridiculous, look up his numbers at the time.

Enough of Rush and NFL, let's move on to boxing. Is Don King still looking for the next "Great White Hope"?

Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize

Did Afghanistan get a vote? Add the Nobel Prize Committee to the list of people who will be saying "What the F%$k was I thinking"!

I do not care what other nations think of US!!

President Obama is getting the Nobel Peace Prize partially because he has helped change how other nations view the US of A. You know what, I do not give a rats ass about what any other nation thinks of us. Any nation that doesn't like us gets its foreign aid pulled. Any nation that doesn't like us better not get hit by a hurricane, typhoon, earthquake, famine or flood.

If you are one of the nations that thinks we are empire building, the next time you need help, call France or one of the other EuroFag nations.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chicago Olympics

UPDATE - Never mind!! - Thanks OIC

Open letter to out President :

I am not paying a cent to have the Olympics in Chicago!!!!!!!

The End

Mayor Daley (Oh, there is an honest person) said it wouldn't cost Chicago anything and now he's asking for $500 million. Who do you think is going to pay for that? Just wait and see, this is going to be the biggest opportunity for graft in a long time. What better place for that than Chicago. If it wasn't so sad it would be hilarious.

PS - Obama and Oprah on the same plane, nothing good can come out of that. By the way, who's paying for this trip?

My slogan for the day is: Chicago Olympics - Just say NO!!!!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Read the bill before you vote on it!

Jim Bunning introduces an amendment in the Senate Finance Committee that would require the healthcare bill be posted online for 72 hours before it is voted on. Guess what the result was, Democrats voted it down 12-11. The dems say its a delaying tactic or that it gives the insurance lobbyists a chance to 'look it over'. WTF does that mean?

Apparently Pelosi is going to 'accept republican demands' and have the bill online for 72 hours before the house votes on it. What about the dems that agreed with the GOP on this issue?

We still have to keep an eye on these JO's as the bill passed in the house has to be reconciled with the bill passed in the senate. That's when all the shit gets put into the final bill.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Our Fearless Leader's Diplomacy?

Hey folks, we all need to be nice to each other. Hey, Iran, be nice or we'll do something bad to you. Whats the response, Iran test fires two missiles. Do you really think they are afraid of the US or the UN? Lets just let Israel take care of it. They still have some balls.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Airline Passanger Rights!

I know it's an old story but if I was stuck on that plane in Rochester I would have gotten off way before 6 hours. That entire incident was a disgrace, the airlines, the airport, the crew and the passengers f^%ked up. How the heck are they gonna keep people on the plane if the REALLY wanted to get off. Fine, call the cops, FAA or anyone you want. Lets go to a trial and see who wins!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Executive Compensation

I can understand the government having a say in the compensation of banks that they bailed out. But, it started with firing the CEO of GM, now banks executive pay, whats next, pay controls for everyone except, of course, the unions. This is a very slippery slope we are sliding down. The 2010 elections are more important than ever.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Way to many reasons to be pissed off lately.

In no particular order:


Jimmy Carter - has he lost his mind?

Healthcare reform - whether we include or exclude illegal aliens doesn't mean shit as long as they are in the country. Lock down our borders. Find'em deport'em!!

National Defense - the Ruskies are coming, it's not if but when!!!

Charlie Rangel and Chris Dodd

Friday, September 11, 2009

Undocumented workers and healthcare

Here is an idea, run this add:

Need Health Insurance. No documentation necessary!

Come to civic auditorium, bring entire family and enough clothes for an overnight trip. We will supply you with free health insurance.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Obama's address to joint session.

Can't even show up on time. It can only go up from here. Lets see, if he runs over or is late he gives the opposition less time in the hour to rebut. Not a bad strategy. Most will turn the channel at 8:00.

Did I just see the comedian from Minnesota with an over dose of 'mantan'?

Joe is such an ahole!

"Pulled the economy back from the brink" - true but who did it.

"We came here to build for the future" - you mean the future he has mortgaged to the hilt.

"inactivity regarding health care has led us to the breaking point" - what breaking point?

"No one should be treated that way in the USA" - I agree

Lets get this straight. If there is a government option, tons of businesses will find it cheaper to stop employer supported health insurance and force the employees to go to private or the government insurance plan. Most major unions are exempt from this and since his highness thinks all either are or should be in a union, hence the comment 'you can keep your current insurance'.

Forget about illegal aliens, who pays for them now... we do, who pays for them in the future.... we do. That congressman who yelled out "you lie" was the only true thing we heard all night.

I bet if this goes and there is a government option, I could probably save a bunch each month on health insurance. Do I want this to pass.......NO!

Cass Sunstein !

How did this get this far so fast? I want to nominate Van Jones for Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Cass is a bigger whackjob than Van. "Animals may have the right to sue in court", you know this guy has to be a lawyer. He doesn't chase ambulances, he just follows the dog catcher on his rounds. Just one more of Obama's left wing buddies. This guy is so out there that its unfair to left wingers to call this guy left wing.

As a vegetarian he is entitled to his opinion and lifestyle, but he has a goal :" His grand plan is to make meat more expensive to produce, which will in turn make it harder for American families to afford."

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pelosi on TV!

They need to put up one of those warnings before they put her on the air. That is one scary woman! Standing next to her is Harry Reid, has this man ever spoke in public before. He just said he wants a bipartisan bill but no reconciliation. I am confuse, or is that the purpose of this press conference.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Van the Man is OUT!!!!!!

Several quotes from is resignation letter:

"On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me. They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide," Jones said.

Name one lie?

He said he had been "inundated" with calls from supporters urging him to "stay and fight."

Bullcrap, list them, I bet it has been 5 to 1 to resign.


"I think he was brought down," Dean told "FOX News Sunday," saying he just spoke to Jones. "I think it's a loss for the country."

Dean pointed to Jones' credentials as a Yale Law School graduate and best-selling author.

Howard Dean thinks being a law school graduate and author are credentials for being a "green jobs czar"!!!!!!! No wonder we are the mess we are in.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Banks suck!!!!

Any bank who accepted TARP funds should lower the interest rate on credit cards to the rate in effect at the time they got the funds. Credit card reform as presented by this administration is nothing, plus it doesn't go into effect for awhile. But..... these aholes can say they did something for the average Joe. These guys have the greatest PR firm in the world. its called NBC. If I wasn't so far in the hole with my GE stock I'd dump it in a flash.

Friday, September 4, 2009

White House to write healthcare bill.

What are going to do get Rahms brother to draft it. I guess the threat of a White House bill makes the current versions look pretty good. My solution, start small and resolve these two issues.

1. I have insurance and I can have a procedure that the Dr. bills at $400. Since he/she has a 'prevailing fee' arrangement with the insurance company they get paid $160. I guess the actual cost is somewhere in the middle so lets charge everyone the same.

2. Prescription drugs in Canada cost less that half of what they do in the USA. OK, I guess the Canadian Government has something to do with the price but I am sure the drug companies are not losing money in Canada or they wouldn't be doing business there. I know the drug companies say they need the money for research, so lets again split the difference. If we can't get Canada to go along then we should bomb the shit out of 'em.

3. Tort reform.

4. Illegal aliens - kick them out.

Apparently he has the far left wing of the Democratic Party so determined to get something passed taht if he doesn't he's toast.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Obama's Czars!!!!!!!!!!

All of a sudden, Rev. Wright seems like a pussycat. Van Jones is a real whack job. Examples, he really believes that the environmental movement, run by whites for whites, is just moving pollution from white communities to black communities. Calls republicans assholes, well, takes one to know one! He also believes the Bush administration was behind 911. How can this guy even get a job, let alone one with the government. Oh, never mind.

Obama to speak to students!

Wow, I thought I'd heard it all, but this takes the cake. The recent news on this has the White House back peddling faster than a unicyclist losing his balance. I guess his days as a community organizer are still to fresh in his mind. I shouldn't guess whats on his mind 'cause this guy is crazy. I have two grandkids in elementry school and I don't think they will stay home that day as I think their parents are doing a great job raising them and having the POTUS attempt to indoctrinate them into ACORN will be a waste of time. Keep politics out of the classroom. I guess he has learned from other attempts at socialism "Get them on board while they are young". Whats next, armbands!

Monday, August 31, 2009

You have to read this guy!

Charles Krauthammer is a regular guest on FOX and because of that he carries a neoconservative. Read his columns from the Washington Post. The one thing that dominates his writings is "common sense", a characteristic that is in short supply in DC.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Northwest Airlines Sucks!!!!!

I used to love to fly. I probably will never fly again, these airlines (all of them except Southwest) SUCK. I just finished attempting to on line check in my wife for her flight to Denver. Three attempts, a printed boarding pass and the final screen says unable to complete check in. So is she checked in or not? She has been on the phone with them for about 20 min. and gets an auto response menu that says "unable to complete" and transfers her so a live person who has no idea why she was transferred to her. What a cluster F. I guess we'll go early and try to figure it out at the airport. Boy, am I looking forward to that! My next post might be from a jail cell.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Senate bill would give Obama emergcy control of internet

I'd rather have Reagan's finger in the missile button than Obama's finger on the internet switch. Who gets to say whats an emergency. Once the GOP figures out how to use the internet like Obama, he'll flip the switch.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

ABC NBC refuse to air ad critical of Obamacare

What a bunch of crap. I personally think that the major networks are not in love with Obama they are just really scared of what he'd do if they ever reported anything negative about him. Given what he did to GM, I don't blame them.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Obama: Ted Kennedy greatest senator of our time?

Does Mary Jo get a vote? The Kennedy family has never had to have a real job thier entire life. What a bunch of losers. JFK screws the Cubans who want to toss Castro out and rest of the family just gives to the laziest at the expense of hard workers. At least Papa Joe knew how to make a buck.


"Kennedy death puts family dynasty in doubt"

Good, all the kids these bozos had and not one worth a crap. Once the silver spoon tarnishes and they realize they need to do something with their life, it is to late.

Monday, August 24, 2009

CIA interrogations.

Whats worse, the CIA threatening to kill the children of a Sept. 11 suspect, or what Rahm Emanuel said to people in Chicago or Washington when he doesn't get his way.

These people are terrorists and we need to do all that is possible to get information from them. The bleeding heart liberals are undermining our security. All this crap "we are better that this, we should treat the prisoners humanely" is BS. Terrorists take hostages and cut of their heads!! Unless we operate at the same level as the terrorists we will never be able to protect our country.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Football coming soon !!!!!

I cannot wait until football season starts. I follow both the NFL and NCAA football. Favorite teams are (in no particular order) Green Bay Packers, Baltimore Ravens and Philadelphia Eagles in the NFL, and Oklahoma Sooners in the college ranks. I was born and raised just outside of Philadelphia, lived in Wisconsin ( I am one of several hundred thousand Packer owners) and lived in Baltimore. I attended OU and my wife graduated from OU.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Brett Favre

I lived in WI for 6-7 years and I love the Packers. I arrived in WI the same year as Farve was traded to the Packers, I lived in Hattiesburg when he played at SoMiss. I am a huge Farve fan and he is an auto pick for the HOF. But, my birthday is 10/5 which is the same day as the Packers play the Vikings and I am hoping the Packers sack Farve out of the game and he throws 3 interceptions. That would make a great Bday present. He can play anywhere he wants but he has to expect some backlash if he plays for either the Bears or Vikings

Friday, August 21, 2009

What keeps me busy.

My grandkids!

Let the guy die in jail!

Scotland releasing the terrorist the blew up Pan Am 103 should be strung up by his thumbs an left to rot in jail. I had a business friend on the flight and this is just a reminder of that sad day. It was even worse as it was just before Christmas and this ahole gets to go home just before Ramadan.

Thought I'd start a blog.

Since I don't want to start fights on Facebook or send annoying emails I thought I'd start a blog. Sometimes things occur and I just want to scream, this is as good a place as any to vent.

If you read this, I hope you enjoy it.