Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chicago Olympics

UPDATE - Never mind!! - Thanks OIC

Open letter to out President :

I am not paying a cent to have the Olympics in Chicago!!!!!!!

The End

Mayor Daley (Oh, there is an honest person) said it wouldn't cost Chicago anything and now he's asking for $500 million. Who do you think is going to pay for that? Just wait and see, this is going to be the biggest opportunity for graft in a long time. What better place for that than Chicago. If it wasn't so sad it would be hilarious.

PS - Obama and Oprah on the same plane, nothing good can come out of that. By the way, who's paying for this trip?

My slogan for the day is: Chicago Olympics - Just say NO!!!!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Read the bill before you vote on it!

Jim Bunning introduces an amendment in the Senate Finance Committee that would require the healthcare bill be posted online for 72 hours before it is voted on. Guess what the result was, Democrats voted it down 12-11. The dems say its a delaying tactic or that it gives the insurance lobbyists a chance to 'look it over'. WTF does that mean?

Apparently Pelosi is going to 'accept republican demands' and have the bill online for 72 hours before the house votes on it. What about the dems that agreed with the GOP on this issue?

We still have to keep an eye on these JO's as the bill passed in the house has to be reconciled with the bill passed in the senate. That's when all the shit gets put into the final bill.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Our Fearless Leader's Diplomacy?

Hey folks, we all need to be nice to each other. Hey, Iran, be nice or we'll do something bad to you. Whats the response, Iran test fires two missiles. Do you really think they are afraid of the US or the UN? Lets just let Israel take care of it. They still have some balls.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Airline Passanger Rights!

I know it's an old story but if I was stuck on that plane in Rochester I would have gotten off way before 6 hours. That entire incident was a disgrace, the airlines, the airport, the crew and the passengers f^%ked up. How the heck are they gonna keep people on the plane if the REALLY wanted to get off. Fine, call the cops, FAA or anyone you want. Lets go to a trial and see who wins!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Executive Compensation

I can understand the government having a say in the compensation of banks that they bailed out. But, it started with firing the CEO of GM, now banks executive pay, whats next, pay controls for everyone except, of course, the unions. This is a very slippery slope we are sliding down. The 2010 elections are more important than ever.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Way to many reasons to be pissed off lately.

In no particular order:


Jimmy Carter - has he lost his mind?

Healthcare reform - whether we include or exclude illegal aliens doesn't mean shit as long as they are in the country. Lock down our borders. Find'em deport'em!!

National Defense - the Ruskies are coming, it's not if but when!!!

Charlie Rangel and Chris Dodd

Friday, September 11, 2009

Undocumented workers and healthcare

Here is an idea, run this add:

Need Health Insurance. No documentation necessary!

Come to civic auditorium, bring entire family and enough clothes for an overnight trip. We will supply you with free health insurance.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Obama's address to joint session.

Can't even show up on time. It can only go up from here. Lets see, if he runs over or is late he gives the opposition less time in the hour to rebut. Not a bad strategy. Most will turn the channel at 8:00.

Did I just see the comedian from Minnesota with an over dose of 'mantan'?

Joe is such an ahole!

"Pulled the economy back from the brink" - true but who did it.

"We came here to build for the future" - you mean the future he has mortgaged to the hilt.

"inactivity regarding health care has led us to the breaking point" - what breaking point?

"No one should be treated that way in the USA" - I agree

Lets get this straight. If there is a government option, tons of businesses will find it cheaper to stop employer supported health insurance and force the employees to go to private or the government insurance plan. Most major unions are exempt from this and since his highness thinks all either are or should be in a union, hence the comment 'you can keep your current insurance'.

Forget about illegal aliens, who pays for them now... we do, who pays for them in the future.... we do. That congressman who yelled out "you lie" was the only true thing we heard all night.

I bet if this goes and there is a government option, I could probably save a bunch each month on health insurance. Do I want this to pass.......NO!

Cass Sunstein !

How did this get this far so fast? I want to nominate Van Jones for Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Cass is a bigger whackjob than Van. "Animals may have the right to sue in court", you know this guy has to be a lawyer. He doesn't chase ambulances, he just follows the dog catcher on his rounds. Just one more of Obama's left wing buddies. This guy is so out there that its unfair to left wingers to call this guy left wing.

As a vegetarian he is entitled to his opinion and lifestyle, but he has a goal :" His grand plan is to make meat more expensive to produce, which will in turn make it harder for American families to afford."

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pelosi on TV!

They need to put up one of those warnings before they put her on the air. That is one scary woman! Standing next to her is Harry Reid, has this man ever spoke in public before. He just said he wants a bipartisan bill but no reconciliation. I am confuse, or is that the purpose of this press conference.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Van the Man is OUT!!!!!!

Several quotes from is resignation letter:

"On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me. They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide," Jones said.

Name one lie?

He said he had been "inundated" with calls from supporters urging him to "stay and fight."

Bullcrap, list them, I bet it has been 5 to 1 to resign.


"I think he was brought down," Dean told "FOX News Sunday," saying he just spoke to Jones. "I think it's a loss for the country."

Dean pointed to Jones' credentials as a Yale Law School graduate and best-selling author.

Howard Dean thinks being a law school graduate and author are credentials for being a "green jobs czar"!!!!!!! No wonder we are the mess we are in.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Banks suck!!!!

Any bank who accepted TARP funds should lower the interest rate on credit cards to the rate in effect at the time they got the funds. Credit card reform as presented by this administration is nothing, plus it doesn't go into effect for awhile. But..... these aholes can say they did something for the average Joe. These guys have the greatest PR firm in the world. its called NBC. If I wasn't so far in the hole with my GE stock I'd dump it in a flash.

Friday, September 4, 2009

White House to write healthcare bill.

What are going to do get Rahms brother to draft it. I guess the threat of a White House bill makes the current versions look pretty good. My solution, start small and resolve these two issues.

1. I have insurance and I can have a procedure that the Dr. bills at $400. Since he/she has a 'prevailing fee' arrangement with the insurance company they get paid $160. I guess the actual cost is somewhere in the middle so lets charge everyone the same.

2. Prescription drugs in Canada cost less that half of what they do in the USA. OK, I guess the Canadian Government has something to do with the price but I am sure the drug companies are not losing money in Canada or they wouldn't be doing business there. I know the drug companies say they need the money for research, so lets again split the difference. If we can't get Canada to go along then we should bomb the shit out of 'em.

3. Tort reform.

4. Illegal aliens - kick them out.

Apparently he has the far left wing of the Democratic Party so determined to get something passed taht if he doesn't he's toast.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Obama's Czars!!!!!!!!!!

All of a sudden, Rev. Wright seems like a pussycat. Van Jones is a real whack job. Examples, he really believes that the environmental movement, run by whites for whites, is just moving pollution from white communities to black communities. Calls republicans assholes, well, takes one to know one! He also believes the Bush administration was behind 911. How can this guy even get a job, let alone one with the government. Oh, never mind.

Obama to speak to students!

Wow, I thought I'd heard it all, but this takes the cake. The recent news on this has the White House back peddling faster than a unicyclist losing his balance. I guess his days as a community organizer are still to fresh in his mind. I shouldn't guess whats on his mind 'cause this guy is crazy. I have two grandkids in elementry school and I don't think they will stay home that day as I think their parents are doing a great job raising them and having the POTUS attempt to indoctrinate them into ACORN will be a waste of time. Keep politics out of the classroom. I guess he has learned from other attempts at socialism "Get them on board while they are young". Whats next, armbands!