Sunday, November 22, 2009

Today's airlines - ground them all

When are these aholes (except Southwest) going to figure it out!!!!! You have made it so expensive and inconvenient to fly no one wants to put up with the bullshit. I hear there is now a holiday surcharge!!!

I really wish Southwest would start flying into Memphis.

I am in the airport a couple of weeks ago so Leslie can fly back to Denver. We are following her flight on the United website and know its going to be late. She is checking in and the clerk says "Chicago?", Leslie says "No, Denver." The FFBB rolls her eyes and gives us a look. I say "Whats the problem?" FFBB says "Checking in kinda late aren't you", I say "Is her plane even here yet?", FFBB says "No". WTF - these people are to stupid to know they are rude!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

9/11 trials in NY

What a bunch of crap. If I was their lawyer, I could get them at least a mistrial. How the heck are they going to find a 'jury of peers' in NYC that weren't impacted by 9/11? Now Obama is predicting conviction, doesn't that disqualify people who voted for him as potential jurors? Isn't that why anyone associated with the case keep their mouths shut!!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

$47 Billion in Medicare Fraud!!!

Oh wait, we are trying to reduce fraud to 9.5%. WTF, reduce it to zero. Lets see, pay $1 billion to new processors and if they don't reduce fraud by $5 or 6 billion, fire them. If they do reduce fraud, hire more processors.

If we now suspect fraud, go after the cheats and deport them. Why do I say deport them, the people committing fraud are not named Joe Smith.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sarah Palin

I can't wait for the book to hit the library. I might even go out and buy it. For those who say she was not qualified to be vice president, I have two words, Joe Biden!!!!


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

North Korea at it again.

Several days before Obama's visit to South Korea there is a little navel skirmish.

I bet a buck, they (NK) test fire another missal while Obama is in South Korea.

Not only are the North Koreans crazy, they certainly aren't afraid of us.

Don't forget!!!

Don't forget to say goodbye to the DC sniper. Tonight at 9PM EST he gets his just punishment. Its just a shame that stoning and hanging aren't around anymore.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Follow the money!!!!!!!

Apparently the Ft Hood terrorist has some strange connections in his background. Forget about fellow classmates ,who were soldiers, complaining about his presentation praising suicide bombers and the army doing squat!

The guy was a major in the army, he made over $60k, was single and paid $350 a month in rent. Where did the rest of his $ go?


Nov 12 Update: Apparently he made more than $90k a year and investigators are looking into possible financial transaction with Pakistan. - TYS

Sunday, November 8, 2009

“courageous vote”

Why would Obama call voting for health care bill courageous? Is it because he knows that congress had to vote against the will of the people? Is it 'courageous' to vote for a bill you haven't read? Is it because it was 'courageous' to vote for a bill that would socialize medicine?

I just think his use of the word courageous has a much deeper meaning than it appears on the surface.

No problem, not that many 'courageous' people in the Senate.

Apparently the GOP members voted their conscience and helped get the abortion amendment passed despite then giving some fence sitting dems what they need to vote for the final bill. That was a courageous vote.

AARP STILL SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

What was I thinking!!!

Add another 65,000 people to the list of "What the $%^# was I thinking". These people in upstate NY voted for a democrat who was opposed the current version of healthcare reform. One hour after he was sworn in he changed his mind.

What the Republican Party did in upstate NY is a crime.

11/12 Update - Hold your horses, the vote has not been certified and Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman is closing the gap with 5,000 absentee ballots yet to be counted.

Nuclear Power

I never thought I'd say this but we need to be more like ........... France. France gets over 75% of its power from nuclear power plants. The US generates less than 20%. How many barrels of imported oil could we eliminate if we had a major push for nuclear power?

Push nuclear, offshore drilling, drilling in ANWAR, wind and solar and we could tell the Arabs to go pound sand!!!

AARP still sucks!!!!!

Dems stop GOP again!!!

The Republicans in congress wanted to add a question to the census. That question was "Are you a citizen?" The bleeding heart libs voted that down. No one is outraged. You might ask, "Why should I be outraged?" Well, dumbass, the census is used to determine representation in the House of Representatives. Those in the country illegally should not be counted as they should have no representation. Oh wait, they already do!!!! Soon California will have half the reps in the house. If you don't speak Mexican now you better start learning it.

Census statistics are also used for apportioning federal funding for many social and economic programs. My guess is that Rahm already has the final numbers in his top left desk drawer.

By the way, AARP STILL SUCKS!!!!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fort Hood Shooter

Pick one from list, now remember, no profiling!

Joe Smith

Malik Nadal Hasan

Robert Jones


I just some douche bag from AARP talking about young people and health care reform. Hey AARP, you don't represent young people!!!! Latest numbers are billions in cuts from Medicare and Medicade over 10 years to help pay for it.

AARP You still suck!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

AARP to endorse Healthcare bill?

Who does Rahm have naked pictures of? They are going to cut Medicare by hundred of millions to help pay for this crap and AARP is OK with this? I already cancelled my AARP membership when they were on the fence, this just proves I was correct in doing so.

AARP .... YOU SUCK!!!!!!

The beginning of the end!

Democratic losses in NJ and Virginia is just the beginning. These states were both solidly in the Obama camp in the last election. Swings in both states were more than 15%. points. If the libs cannot get the same lame brained voters out in 2010, its over. I call the voters who put Obama over the top to be "first time, last time" voters. It was that or the "what the ^%$# was I thinking" voters finally wised up. The next election is going to be key.

If there is a health care bill passed, all signs point to it going into effect in 2013. What happens if the control of Congress changes before than can the bill be overridden?