Saturday, January 30, 2010

$200 Million?

$200 million for terror trials! WTF, I'll do it for free!!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

NCAA is worthless!

I say NCAA not NAACP. The organizations clearing house clears Derrick Rose to play, not once, but twice. Now the want to screw Memphis due the their incompetence. What a load of crap!

What does the NCAA do anyway? I bet 9 out of 10 can't tell you one good thing they do. Don't get me started.

NCAA and AARP suck!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Aunt Nancy at it again.

Pelosi has a 'fix' to the Senate HC bill and then they can squeeze it through in reconciliation that only needs 51 yes in a Senate vote. BTW it "only" costs $300 billion.

Don't these people get it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

White House mistakes

Press Secretary said" Obama admits mistakes" on 3 of the 4 major networks this AM. Not one asked "What were his mistakes?" Why, because they only throw softballs and they know the president is so dumb he doesn't know what mistakes he made. Apparently his handlers told him to show a little humility and hope this shit changes. To all those who are now saying "What the F#$k was I thinking", don't forget to vote to correct your mistake!

By the way, he wasn't on FOX, and you know why.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Partial 3 year spending freeze!!!

WTF, How about a full 3 year spending cuts!!! Let's see, jack up the budget to the highest ever and just call for a freeze. I am right, HE JUST DOESN'T GET IT !!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

F the French

What a bunch of frogs, criticizing our humanitarian efforts in Haiti and calling it an occupation, what a joke. Hey froggie, if it wasn't for us you'd be speaking German. Nothing personal about Haiti, but if we wanted to occupy someplace we'd pick a better place than Haiti.

Friday, January 22, 2010


How ironic is it that the loss of Teddy's senate seat is the blow that kills Teddycare!!!!

I cannot believe all the spin the Libs are putting on this historic event. I even heard one blame it on Bush!!!

POTUS against free speach?

Apparently the White House is a little upset at the recent Supreme Court decision overturning some of the campaign finance reform rules limiting campaign contributions by anyone. I guess the 'to big to fail' mantra now will become 'to big to voice their opinion'.

Free speech is free speech period. If you happen to be a big corporation and have an opinion you have the right to express it no matter how stupid it may be. Corporate America still has to answer to their shareholders and the American public.

Libs still think the Constitution is up to their interpretation, that's why we have a Supreme Court. Wait until the SC rules on a health care package that forces Americans to buy insurance and treats states differently...... Oh never mind!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thank You Massachusetts

This is the beginning of the end. I cannot believe how the libs are spinning this historic defeat. They are blaming everything but themselves. They really threw Coakley under the bus. Don't they understand that the kiss of death was Obama campaigning for her? Don't they understand it could have been Donald Duck on the ballot and we'd have a Disney character in the Senate? If they don't seat Senator Brown ASAP it will be a disgrace.

I bet you won't hear one elected official using 'tea bagger' anymore!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Airline raise checked bag fees!!!!!

Southwest, please come to Memphis!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dems running scared!!!

Obama in MA stumping for that chick who is running for Ted's senate seat, against some unknown Republican. This will mark the beginning of the end. I only hope the crooks in Boston don't steal the election.

Who paid for his trip?

Thursday, January 14, 2010


The current administration is negotiating with 'the unions' regarding the Cadillac tax on health insurance. Bet they fold to the unions. Who could be so stupid? What are the unions going to do, support a Republican, I don't think so. So what will happen is the tax will be removed from the legislation and we will all have to pay more.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Obama's eligibility to be President?

Some goofball from Georgia (Rep. Deal) has sent a letter to the President questioning his eligibility to be President. Hey shithead, if Obama is out Biden is in, that would be even worse!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Our Commander in Chief?

"Dots not connected" --- give me a break, I, GWB and SP would have said, "We fucked up, and to make up for it we are going to drop some strategically placed bombs in Yemen."

Friday, January 1, 2010

Airport Security?

If we want to take airport secutity seriously we need to pay for it. Do you know how much these TSA employees make? I can tell you is not much more that the guy who handed you your Big Mac.