Thursday, August 19, 2010

Michael Steele

In case you didn't know that the Republican Party has a chairman, I introduce you to Michael Steele. Why haven't you heard of him? Because the dumbass is quieter than John McCain during the election campaign. The Libs are giving us soooooooo much to blast them with and Steele is the invisible man. WTF!!!!!! If he had half the balls of Sarah Palin, Michele Bachman or Newt Gingrich the November elections would be a lock gor the GOP.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

California Prop 8 reversal

California voters passed Prop 8 in a state wide vote. Who the F does the judge think he is by over ruling the vote of the people. I do not care that Prop 8 says marriage is between a man and a women. My problem is that's what the people want so let it be.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Mosque at Ground Zero.

I really have mixed emotions about this issue. First, the proposed mosque is not at ground zero. I consider ground zero to be the former outline of the WTC towers. I believe the mosque is several blocks away. Second, opposing a religious building in the area is just stupid and bigoted. It is almost as stupid as Muslims proposing a mosque anywhere in the area. It just sounds like someone wants to tweak our noses.