Monday, November 29, 2010


First, we should find the founder and shoot his ass. Then go after the New York Times and any other US based newspaper who publishes any sensitive documents.

Second, the kid who leaked the documents should get a one way ticket to Gitmo.

John McCain says the leaks are "harmful". Sarah Palin says they are "treasonous". Shows which one has the balls!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

South Korea

This crap going on between South and North Korea is scary. I spent a year in Korea in 1968. I am sure that all we were doing was keeping the south from invading the north. The NK's want a fight, they'll get it. Keeping the US and China out of it will be the problem. I know we just can't walk away but let's get together with China and say let them fight it out by themselves.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Pittsburgh Steelers

What a bunch of pussies. Their quarterback gets knocked down, after the play is over, by Richard Seymour and all they do is stand around?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Charlie Rangel

This guy has been in the House of Representatives since 1971. Raised and lived in Harlem. How does he have a 2500 sq ft apartment in NY, a house in DC, property in FL and the house in Dominican Republic? And he claims he spent $2 million in legal fees.

I don't think congressmen make that kind of money!

Follow the money!!!!!!

TSA and Airport Security

What is completely missing in this entire process is COMMON SENSE. Some may call it profiling, but I call it common sense. Look at the history of airplane bombers both successful and not so successful. Were any 60 year old grandparents? Were any of them named John Smith?

Anne Coulter had an interesting comment, and I paraphrase, "if the 9 11 hijackers were from Sweden, every Swede ever to board a plane would be subject to advanced security measures and no one would say shit."

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Why would anyone want to buy stock in this POS, just because they are coming out of bankruptcy. They didn't reduce there biggest cost, the unions. Didn't anyone learn the lessons of the airlines? My guess is stock price of $33 - $35 for only a day, then down to $27. Even at $27 it is over priced. Doesn't survive 3 years. Only people making money on this deal are Wall Street and "We the People" getting OUR money back from the bailout.

Charlie Rangel

Charles Rangel is the dumbest dumbass in the world. He claims he has spent $2 million on his defense. Why would he do this, I'll tell ya. Now he'll go home and have a bunch of fund raisers for his legal defense fund and rob his constituents blind. I want to see the $ trail as to where the $2 million went.

By the way, his dumbass constituents deserve him, they voted him in again with 80% of the vote.

Only in America.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Social Security

I do not know the exact definition of 'entitlement program' but I get the impression that it implies something for nothing. Hey, I paid into the SS system for over 30 years and I want my benefits as outlined when I retired. I don't give a shit what you do to anyone else, but don't mess with my money!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How Stupid are Some Voters

The following won reelection:

Maxine Waters
Charlie Rangel
Nancy Pelosi
Harry Reid
John McCain
Ophelia Ford (TN)
Barbara Boxer
Jerry Brown

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Apology Express

President Obama is headed to India to bow and kiss ass. Says India is a creator of American jobs and not a poacher. Doesn't this dickwad even watch TV. There is a sitcom on NBC called 'Outsourced', does he think we just make this crap up? I say f%&k this third world country, let them and Pakistan just blow each other up!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Keith Olberman suspended

First of all, I cannot stand Keith Olberman, he is a pompous ass who thinks he is way more influential than he really is. No one watch his show so he really isn't a big deal.

Getting suspended by NBC is a joke. It's not as bad as Juan Williams, but WTF, he cannot make political contributions? My guess that do to his ratings NBC is looking for an excuse to fire him and get out of the contract they have with him. He apparently makes $7.5 million a year and has no audience.

Unemployment Claims, Main Stream Media (MSM)

This is update, see my earlier post.

I was right, claims are up this week and not a peep. But the MSM didn't help much during this round of elections.

If you didn't know they were up, its no surprise. It was very hush, hush in the MSM.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fed's buying back $600 billion

The fed's are buying back $600 billion in T Bills. Question, where is that money coming from? I believe it's a good thing but if we are just issuing debt to buy back debt, that sounds like a Ponzi scheme.

Election Results

Not much of a surprise, but I am thankful for the positive results.

A couple of random thoughts:

- Michael Steele must resign. Harry Reid survived in Nevada and he needs to thank the RNC for not going all out in support of Sharon Angle.

- Meg Whitman's kids must be really pissed. She spent $130 million of HER OWN MONEY to lose an election. If she was my mom I'd have her committed.

- 18-term incumbent Minnesota Rep. James L. Oberstar, chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, lost

- 14-term South Carolina Rep. John M. Spratt, chairman of the Budget Committee, lost.

- 17-term Missouri Rep. Ike Skelton, chairman of the Armed Services Committee, lost.

The people have spoken!