Monday, May 9, 2011


Pakistan president says they next time we do something like that again they will respond with full force. I say we just say, "Hey India, you can have Pakistan." That will shut aholes up.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama bin Laden

Well, we finally got the bastard and wow will he be pissed when he finds out there aren't any virgins waiting for him.

He has been hiding for a couple or 3 years within 1000 yards of Pakistan's equivalent to West Point. I say Pakistan knew where he was all along and we should just add them to the list of future targets. The official line is that Pakistan is a strong ally in the fight against the Taliban. If that is true, why didn't they give up OBL? We give Pakistan a $3 billion in aid, I say we give them $3 billion in bombs.

As far as our respect for his religion and a quick disposal at sea, that's bullshit. As long as we haven't recovered all the remains from WTC we just hang is ass up somewhere.