Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Susan Rice

The GOP isn't against Susan Rice simply because of her role in the Benghazi cover up. Google 'susan rice gives the finger' and read up on what a hot head this women is.

To paraphrase a DC insider, the Benghazi cover up is the least of the reasons to disqualify her for this important role.

Wait...... maybe we need a Secretary of State who gives the finger. She can start at the UN and go from there.

PS.. couldn't get to the range today so I had to vent.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Post Election

It has been awhile since I have posted. I am trying to recover from the election results. I have turned to a new phase in my life. I will NOT let anything bother me, no FOX News, no Rush, no Sean, no talk radio, no editorial page. It has probably lowered my blood pressure 50 points, but since I already have low blood pressure I have to increase my caffeine and nicotine intake. I have even taken this new philosophy to the golf course, score...what score, who cares. but......

Latest headline says, the White House says "Obamacare reduces the deficit". If it reduces the deficit then it must increase revenues (taxes) to cover the cost to cover the uninsured. I mean, that only makes sense. So.......... Oh, never mind, I don't give a crap anymore. Since this country is being run by a bunch a people with their hand out and a bunch of people who think that is OK, WTF should I care.

Oh yeah, I have a new hobby for when the weather is bad and I cannot play golf. I have taken up handgun shooting. 2 boxes of 9mm down range and all is well.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

NFL Replacement Refs

What a joke, forget about the debacle during the Monday Night Football game where the refs cost the Packers a victory, the product the NFL is putting on the field is unwatchable. The NFL commissioners office keeps referring to 'maintaining the integrity of the game', well if the integrity of the game is so important why were the players, from both sides, brought back out on the field for an extra point that didn't mean anything? The answer is Las Vegas and betting. Come on Mr Goodell, shut the fuck up!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Epic Failure

Folks, the recent attacks on the American embassy in Egypt and Libya have nothing to do with some stupid movie. That movie, albeit in English, has been on YouTube    since July. So, what was the reason for the well orchestrated attacks? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know the date had a lot to do with it, if you didn't know the date of the attacks was September 11th.

So, why is the press and the administration pushing this movie theory? This was an epic failure for both the State Department and the intelligence community. Why weren't the embassies on high alert on Sept 11th? Why were the US Marines guarding the embassy in Egypt forbidden to even have any live ammunition? Why didn't we have any advanced warning as to what's going on? Apparently one of the officials killed in Egypt posted to his friends that the day before he saw strange people hanging around taking pictures and hoped he lived through the night.

Just as President Obama shouldn't get (but the libs are taking) all the credit for finally getting bin Laden, he personally shouldn't get much blame for this failure, unless he sits on his ass and does nothing. So start blaming him now 'cause you know he ain't going to do shit. By 'doing something' I mean some heads in the administration should roll, while going after the perpetrators.

So the mainstream media will continue to carry on as part of the reelection of Obama.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wisconsin recall elections

First of all these so called recall elections were a farce. You do not have recalls based on policy. You need to have the recall option if your elected official does something really stupid like getting blow jobs from an intern, or paying for his mistress with government money, or abandoning your job as a state legislator and running to Illinois to stop the will of the people from being implemented. You don't get recalled for passing new laws.

Second, people (libs) will say Walker bought the election because he out spent the libs my a huge margin and that a lot of that money came from outside the state. I really don't think that TV ads etc have that big an impact on an election. If you are going to change a voters mind with a TV ad, then that person shouldn't be voting in the first place. As far as out of state money is concerned, were any of the protesters at the state capitol bussed in from out of state?

The numbers are not final but it appears that voter turnout was up by 6% or 350,000 voters. Of that Walker got 209,000 and 'whats his face' got 141,000. Of the total vote Walker got 52% in 2010 and 53% in 2012. Basically nothing changed.

The libs just need to suck it up and next time try to change things at the 'regular' voting box and not one of these special elections. If they want to know how to do that just watch the upcoming presidential election.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Romney and Bain Capital

Dems are having fun criticizing Mitt Romney and Bain Capital. For every example of one of the investments going bad there are 10 that have worked. People forget that any distressed business has to have new investment and that investment has a cost.

Yet, no one wants to bring up GM. How many jobs did GM lose during the government bailout? 20,000 is close and that doesn't include the GM dealerships that were closed nor GM parts suppliers. See my earlier post on screwing the bondholders. If Mitt Romney had orchestrated the GM bankruptcy the MSM wouldn't let him get elected as a dog catcher. But, the golden boy, his minions and union cronies pulled it off without any criticism.

Every time a lib says Bain I say Solyndra. I cannot wait until the GOP takes off the kid gloves and tells the public what is really going on. November cannot get here soon enough.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Obama and Romney

So the Washington Post can dig up stuff on Mitt from 1965. How come they cannot dig up stuff on President Obama from 1965? Just asking.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Social Security

Just released, Social Security is go broke even faster than before. Why is this news, anyone with half a brain knows that a 2% reduction in the 'payroll tax' is really a 2% reduction in social security contributions and the result would be less incoming funds, hence the current headline. When are we going to wake up and fix the mess in Washington? November cannot get here fast enough.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Silver Spoon

President Obama stated that he wasn't born with a silver spoon. HE stated "someone gave us an education".

I am not a birther but I do think his history is important. I normally would say its none of my business but since he brought it up...... who paid for Obama's college education. Occidental, Columbia, Harvard? That's expensive and who paid for it?

Just asking since he brought it up.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Oil Prices

First of all I am a firm believer in capitalism, but, I personally think that speculators are an unfair drain on our futures markets. Obama wants to do something about it and I have a solution.

If you want to speculate on the price of oil (or any other commodity) then you MUST have a place to put it (ie,take delivery), if you don't then you cannot participate in that market.

Commodity futures were originally set up so oil companies and other manufactures, think General Mills, Alcoa etc., could lock in future raw material prices. It has gotten out of hand and could be a national security issue.

People wonder why oil/gas prices are so high, well speculators are part of the problem.

Don't get me started on short sellers.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Never Worked a Day

Some lib bimbo says Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life. What does she say about our current president? I bet raising 5 kids is way harder than community organizing. Or teaching law. Or some public interest group.

"We didn't have the luxury for her not to work." this is a quote from Obama. What he really means is that we were making a ton of money and not doing shit so we decided to keep getting paid for doing nothing.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Obama vs. Supreme Court

"Ultimately, I'm confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress."

Bobby Bright
Ann Kirkpatric
Waly Minnick
Frank Kratovil
Travis Childers
Carol Shea-Porter
Etc, etc, etc
Total list has 63 names.

Democrts in House of Rep who lost first election after Obamacare was passed.

Do I really need to say more?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Trayvon Martin

First, what happened is a tragedy. No family should have to go through this, especially with all the press coverage.

How many other children have died a senseless death since this has happened and not one word in the press. What makes this different?

If you want to make it a race issue, why isn't all the 'same race' on 'same race' crime in the national news?

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Let's make this real simple!

The federal government just mandated that vegan restaurants must serve beef. And that beef must be free. Anyone have a problem with that?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Population Control?

" Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told a House panel Thursday that a reduction in the number of human beings born in the United States will compensate employers and insurers for the cost of complying with the new HHS mandate that will require all health-care plans to cover sterilizations and all FDA-approved contraceptives, including those that cause abortions."

Does anyone else have a problem with this? It's not a moral issue with me. Contraception, abortion etc are all up to the individual. I just don't think the government needs to be telling us what we can and cannot do.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Susan B Koemen for the Cure

This organization has nothing to apologize for, if they don't want to give some group any money, for what ever reason, they don't have to. All these people making a fuss have to answer one question.... how much did you give to Susan B? If the answer is nothing then STFU!!!!!!

If Planned Parenthood is such a great organization, how come they have so much trouble raising money. If they don't have a problem raising money then what's the big deal?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Gov. Walker

Gov. Walker of Wisconsin is using out of state money to fight the recall election. The libs say that's a bad thing. Where did the money come from that helped get the signatures for the recall? Where were the people who shut down the Wisconsin legislature during the budget vote come from?

Answer those 2 questions before throwing stones. What a bunch of hypocrites.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

He wants everyone on the gov't dole.

If you didn't believe the conservative talking heads say the Obama wants everyone either employed by the government or on some kind of welfare you just have to see his latest comment on the Keystone pipeline.

He said that extending the payroll (Social Security) tax cut and unemployment benefits will create more jobs that approving the Keystone pipeline. What a crock if shit. What could he possibly been thinking? How does extending unemployment benefits create jobs?

Forget about jobs, why would you delay or stop a project that reduces our purchase of oil from the middle east? I'd rather buy from Canada than countries that don't even like us. I am assuming that Canada still likes us after this crap.