Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Susan Rice

The GOP isn't against Susan Rice simply because of her role in the Benghazi cover up. Google 'susan rice gives the finger' and read up on what a hot head this women is.

To paraphrase a DC insider, the Benghazi cover up is the least of the reasons to disqualify her for this important role.

Wait...... maybe we need a Secretary of State who gives the finger. She can start at the UN and go from there.

PS.. couldn't get to the range today so I had to vent.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Post Election

It has been awhile since I have posted. I am trying to recover from the election results. I have turned to a new phase in my life. I will NOT let anything bother me, no FOX News, no Rush, no Sean, no talk radio, no editorial page. It has probably lowered my blood pressure 50 points, but since I already have low blood pressure I have to increase my caffeine and nicotine intake. I have even taken this new philosophy to the golf course, score...what score, who cares. but......

Latest headline says, the White House says "Obamacare reduces the deficit". If it reduces the deficit then it must increase revenues (taxes) to cover the cost to cover the uninsured. I mean, that only makes sense. So.......... Oh, never mind, I don't give a crap anymore. Since this country is being run by a bunch a people with their hand out and a bunch of people who think that is OK, WTF should I care.

Oh yeah, I have a new hobby for when the weather is bad and I cannot play golf. I have taken up handgun shooting. 2 boxes of 9mm down range and all is well.