The gun was very cheaply made. I am not sure but the barrel is not rifled. This thing probably is as accurate as throwing bricks at someone. The trigger pull almost took two hands but after I took it apart and cleaned and oiled it it is better but still very stiff. The gun was sold to me as a working gun so I am gong to the range and shoot it before I really start working on it. I have actually found a place to get parts.
This is the gun as purchased. Note missing screw.
This shows how to load/unload.
This is it apart. There was a lot of rust and gunk on the inside.
Here it is back together with the holster and ammo.
I have found a place to buy parts and will replace all screws and springs. Possibly a new hammer in case I screw up the old one trying to get the trigger pull down to a manageable level.
UPDATE (3/27/14) - Took it to range today and it worked fine. Tough to figure out how to aim it but it shoots straight. It is now completely broken down again and sanding/polishing has started.